33 Week Bumpdate

September 05, 2019

A lil baby update at 33 weeks (since it’s been over a month since the last one!):

- We got another peek at baby girl last week with a growth ultrasound, resulting in some wild 3D pictures! No more Baby Voldemort - there’s lots of fat on those cute cheeks now! 😍

- She’s measuring 3-4 weeks AHEAD! Clearly has no problem growing (but now I’m worried about giving birth to a 15lb toddler next month!)

- My dr plans to induce me at 39 weeks (if I don’t go into labor before then) to reduce my risk of developing preeclampsia at the end (I have a strong family history of hypertension). So we are only 6 weeks away max - it feels so weird to have a “final” day, but it’s nice to not worry about how long I’ll go after my due date. No Halloween birthday, sorry baby! 🎃🎃🎃

- She is finally head down, so fingers crossed she stays there for the next 6 weeks! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

- She is SO active & is pretty accurate at directly kicking whatever is touching my stomach - monitors, Doppler, hands, etc.

- I’m still feeling pretty good! Just some back pain if I sit or stand too long. Grateful for being tall with a long torso bc I haven’t been kicked in the ribs (yet) and I can still breathe pretty well!

- No name yet! We have a few ideas but they don’t feel “right.” At least not yet. We are waiting to meet her before we decide!

Hard to believe we’ll be seeing her little face so soon! The next 6 weeks is going to fly by!

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