I'm done micromanaging God

April 08, 2018

A little Sabbath honesty from my Instagram post tonight - this week I realized I don’t actually trust God. I second guess His intentions, I don’t believe that He loves me, and I try to control Him constantly. That hasn’t been working out so well for me. If things don’t happen when I think they should, I get extremely frustrated and sad. There are some things I wish would happen now and they aren’t and it’s making me crazy, so then I get resentful of and angry with God. And I’m done living in that spiritual space. I realized my negative emotions came from trying to control God or change His will, but then also trying to have faith....it doesn’t add up right! So I’m done micromanaging God.

Faith in God includes faith in His timing and I can’t have faith in His timing if I’m trying to boss God around! I realized this week that in this world of agency, there is actually very little God has control over, so I need to let Him use that perfect power for my good instead of second-guessing Him every moment of my life.

Loosening my grip on the reigns this week has helped heal my heart immensely. I know I’ll still get frustrated at times and wish blessings would come faster and trials would end quicker, but refusing to be a spiritual control freak will allow me to trust Him more during those hard times and help me feel more at peace.

In my heart of hearts I feel strongly that God loves all His children and has perfect power & knowledge. If you are struggling with your trust in Him, you can hang onto my feelings that He has your absolute best interests at heart. His greatest desire is for all of us to progress & be happy. So I’m just going to keep plugging ahead and let Him do His thing.❤️❤️❤️

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