Olive // 2 Months

December 23, 2019

Happy 2 months to 🎼Olive the other reindeer🎼 (except she would never laugh or call Rudolph names!) Zach has been singing this pun for the last month so it’s all I hear in my head anymore #dadjokes 😜

Don’t let that frown fool you - she’s been a super smiley baby this month! She loves looking at faces, especially if you stick out your tongue...but I’ve caught her just smiling & laughing staring at nothing too 🤣

She’s still a great sleeper at night - usually 8-9 hours straight - which makes up for her resistance to naps. I think she just doesn’t want to miss any of the action during the day!

Ollie has especially loved the last week being in Oregon - her aunts & grandmas are the best at making her smile and comforting her to sleep. We can’t wait to celebrate her first Christmas in 2 days!

(PS - this onesie is from her mandrake costume and just happened to perfectly match this headband so I couldn’t help myself!)

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